Bicycle and Pedestrian Data: Sources, Needs, & Gaps

Source: USDOT and Bureau of Transportation Statistics

"This review of existing data and data needs was based on outreach to user groups that included planners, advocates, and researchers at federal, state, and local government agencies, universities, and nonprofit organizations. Published materials and information from other recent assessments of transportation data needs were also reviewed. Primary data sources were classified by four types: 1) usage, trip, and user characteristics; 2) user preferences; 3) facilities; and 4) crash and safety data. Key types of secondary data (data that are based on analysis of primary data) were also identified, including research-study results and manuals of practice.

"Based on this review, priorities for data needs were identified based on the following criteria:

  • Importance of the data for its intended application(s) and audience(s);
  • Quality of existing data; and
  • Usefulness of the data for a range of applications (facility design, trend analysis, etc.), audiences (researchers, planners, policymakers, etc.), and geographic scales (local, state, national)."

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