On the Move: by Foot

A Discussion Paper
Source: Department for Transport

For a number of reasons - particularly because we have more cars, travel further, and because of past planning decisions - people in England are now walking less than ever before. But walking is still a very important part of how we get around in this country. 25% of the total number of journeys, and 80% of journeys under a mile, are on foot. And getting people to walk more could reduce the pressure on congested transport systems, and improve our health and the health of our local communities.

This discussion paper is aimed primarily at practitioners in local authorities and the health sector. We would also, however, like to receive views from the much wider range of people and organisations which influence the street and surrounding environment (such as telecommunication and utility companies). We also want to hear from voluntary groups and communities themselves. This document suggests how we might both improve conditions for walking and increase the number of journeys made on foot. Some ideas have already been suggested to us at a series of seminars run for local authority experts throughout England during 2002. It is our aim to build on these views and the responses to this discussion document to produce the new strategy document which will be a part of the Department for Transport's (DfT) contribution to the broader "liveability" agenda being developed across Government.3

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