Pedestrian Safety Enforcement Operations

Jun 18, 2015

In 2012, 4,743 pedestrians were killed in traffic crashes- a five-year high. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has developed a new guide that gives law enforcement and community partners advice, guidance, and promising practices for setting up and conducting effective pedestrian safety enforcement and reducing pedestrian fatalities.

Released in early 2015, Pedestrian Safety Enforcement Operations: A How-To Guide is the result of an intensive multi-year collaboration with dozens of law enforcement agencies across the country. The guide offers detailed information about planning, conducting, and following up enforcement operations, as well as case studies highlighting successful programs from across the country.

This informative session will include presentations and a discussion with the guide’s authors and presentations from two-case study programs, introducing you to the guide and its findings and providing information about incorporating successful pedestrian safety strategies in your community. Wil Price, of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), will discuss the development of the guide. Case studies of enforcement programs will be shared by Ranjit Walia, of Civic Eye Collaborative LLC, George Branyan, of the Washington DC Department of Transportation, and Sergeant Richard Ruth of the Orlando Police Department.

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